Frædag: A-Trak + Loft Tribute (Espen HAA + DJ Dust)

A-Trak | g-HA & Olanskii | Loft Tribute ( Espen HAA + DJ Dust)
From one of the youngest DMC champions to producer to one of the oldest clubbing institutions in the world. this Frædag is about the entire legacy of the dance floor with Espen Haa and DJ dust presenting another Daviud Mancuso and Loft Tribute and g-HA & Olanskii inviting A-Trak. A-Trak’s career lives and breathes on a set of turntables, and that’s where you’ll find him when Frædag bring the iconic DJ to Jaeger’s basement to give our decks a proper workout. g-HA & Olanskii bring the turntablist to the basement after a live show from newcomers Soudfocker, who release their debut EP on the same night.
#house #electro #nudisco
David Mancuso & Loft Tribute: Espen Haa + DJ Dust
21:00 - doors
22:00 - Soundfocker (live) - tickets sold seprately
23:00 - g-HA & Olanskii
01:15 - A -Track
ID: 20
This event is free for personal assistants with the display of a valid “ledsagerbevis”.
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This event is free for personal assistants with the display of a valid “ledsagerbevis”.