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Frædag: Dunk (3H Live) + Carl Trøye

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Dunk (live) | Carl Troye | g-HA & Olanskii | Øyvind Morken

Why Kai alter ego and improv electronic group Dunk, take over the basement for an immersive journey through their sonic world. Elias Talfjørd and Kai Van de Lippa are joined on stage with a host of other musicians who move between elements of Jazz, and Electronic in an introspective fusion of styles that coalesce around their vast combined backgrounds. An extensive live show precedes DJs in the basement while Frædag’s g-HA & Olanskii take on the sauna with Øyvind Morken. 

#improvisation #jazz #electronica #beatmusic

Sauna:  g-HA & Olanskii + Øyvind Morken
Basement: Dunk (live) + Carl Troye (DJ before and after concert)

This event is free for personal assistants with the display of a valid “ledsagerbevis”. 

ID: 20

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This event is free for personal assistants with the display of a valid “ledsagerbevis”. 

#house #dj #club


accessibility information:
This event is free for personal assistants with the display of a valid “ledsagerbevis”.